February 14, 2022

Venture Carolina Announces Inaugural Class of the Palmetto Venture Fellowship

Venture Carolina, a nonprofit dedicated to bridging the funding gap between investors and entrepreneurs, has partnered with VentureSouth and the South Carolina Department of Commerce’s Office of Innovation to launch the Palmetto Venture Fellowship, a program that will create more local accredited investors and expand risk-capital accessibility for early-stage startups in South Carolina. Tom Pietras of BPS is among those selected to the inaugural Venture Fellows class.

The Palmetto Venture Fellowship, which recently kicked off in Columbia, will utilize a seven-part workshop series to expose participants to the intricacies associated with early-stage capital formation. The program, with an inaugural class of 38 participants (see list here), will run through October 2022.

This class of the Palmetto Venture Fellowship was selected by a committee of business leaders and investors throughout South Carolina.